The Crude Definition of Taffy

SFcam: 2012: Part Seventeen
(May 7, 2012)

Mt. Vernon was interesting in its retrospective to the modernized White House. It made me realize that people never give George Washington enough credit. He may have been the dollar bill and not the five dollar bill, but some of his ideas on political division and the mere fact that he denied the role as king are enough to put him on a pedestal.

The location itself consisted of tours and a few places of relaxation. Scattered about were little tidbits worth photographing. Those goats you may have noticed further back were indeed wildly roaming. I'm not sure whether they belonged to the establishment or not, but they seemed friendly enough to be let strolling along the grounds. That coffin with the bars was the resting place of George Washington. For the first president of the United States, his burial place seemed fairly standard. This may or may not become a reoccurring theme in my trip. The surrounding area also featured a memorial for the slaves who worked at Mt. Vernon.

This last photograph above may surprise you a bit, and to answer your question I did not travel into the past to meet Washington himself. Around the entrance of the indoor exhibit was a frighteningly detailed wax replica. I made sure to capture it at just the right angle so as erase all notions that it was indeed fake, although the lighting may give it away.

At this point, you may be wondering where taffy comes into all of this. It just so happened that on our tour of Virginia we came across a small candy shop, barely noticeable in the bustling neighborhood. It was there that I would buy a Lord of the Rings Pez Collection. It would also be there that I would see a very obscure and very hilarious sign. A crude definition of taffy.
