New Member of the Cam Family (III)

Receiving Elitecam became a milestone in my life. Not only was it my sixteenth birthday present, but it also marked a new era of possibilities in my career. No longer did I live in the quiet countryside of California. I was in New York: one of the greatest locations in the world to be a photographer.

I dubbed this new edition "Elitecam" for obvious reasons. It was certainly the best camera I had ever received up to that point and I wasn't going to make the mistake of naming it "SFcam" like I did with my last camera and end up living with that sentimental, if not poor choice of a name.

Almost immediately I saw the capabilities of Elitecam. The post following this one is titled 4000 Days of Summer and marks one of the first outings with the new camera. As for what happened to SFcam? It still lies in my closet. I recently opened it up again to take this picture and I realized how far I had grown in my hobby. I'm not suggesting that we'll never see SFcam again, but let's just say he's finally ready to settle down and have a few kids.
