
(February 7, 2011)

Among my one time wonders was my sister's film camera. Delicate in the most trivial areas, this was years of work from technicians to create a device that gave the most exquisite of paintings. "Classiccam," as I would dub it for obvious reasons, wasn't something an amateur photographer might stumble upon. I consider myself lucky that I was even presented it, much less granted to use it by my father. To my surprise, the sheer quality of the photographs blew me away. At the most, I expected the imitation "Instagram" graininess that seems to intrigue modern photographers. What I got instead was a collection of photographs that were almost too good for my own skills.

I apologize for the quality of the photographs on this blog; raw film doesn't exactly translate well onto the Internet. Nevertheless, after some time, I was unable to recover the film camera for one reason or another. I know it's buried somewhere in the house, but my searches have been in vain. For what it was worth, it was some of my best work.
